Patrick Ronan became one of the lucky ones when he scooped a Lotto win worth £1,900,000, but despite the bulging bank account the pensioner continued to claim pension credits, to the tune of almost £80,000. Earlier this year we brought you the news that this crime had come to light and now the pensioner has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for the fraudulent claim.
The pensioner scooped the win in 2005, just before he put in his pension credits claim, but he didn’t declare his winnings. When he placed his claim he stated that he had savings of just £230 and no other means of financial support. However, he was actually the recipient of a Lotto win worth £1,900,000, leaving him able to support himself and not entitled to the claim.
The case didn’t come to light immediately, leaving Ronan able to rack up £80,000 in fraudulent claims. Despite buying a house worth £865,000, Ronan still didn’t declare the win and it took until he was held at Manchester airport last year in possession of £4,000 cash before the fraud came to light.
After an earlier hearing was adjourned due to the ill health of the 72-year old lottery winner, the case was reheard this week. The Judge stated that even taking into consideration Ronan’s ill health and age, the offence was so serious that only a prison sentence could be imposed.
It’s said that Ronan has spent all the cash from the lottery win but the sale of his home will now release cash to be paid back to the taxpayer to repay the fraud.